Free Windows Windows 7 / Vista / Windows XP / ME / 2000 / 98 / 95 software from Stone Oakvalley Studios (where applicable).
All software copyright and programmed by Stone Oakvalley Studios using PureBasic from Fantaisie Software using Windows XP and Windows 7.
Probably works in Windows 8/8.1 and Windows 10 (both dreadful GUI design disasters of modern OS), try my software and you might get lucky.
I won't install Windows 10 even, probably wait until a proper Windows XP/7 look-a-like would re-surface after M$ had learned their lessons the recent years and stop letting confused femi-guy-designers code their GUI flow. They don't have to look like Apple toilet-design, border and 3D buttons have worked for 40 years.
Want to learn and start programming yourselves easily? Go here:
PureBasic website